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Welcome to InnerPhoenix – Welcome to InnerPhoenix – From the Ashes, We Rise

Nov 16, 2024

Welcome, Beautiful Soul!

I’m Tracey, and if you’ve stumbled upon this corner of the internet, I have a feeling it’s because life has tested you, stretched you, and maybe even knocked you flat on your ass a few times.

I get it. Believe me. My own journey has been a masterclass in resilience—from facing chronic health battles and single parenting a neurodivergent daughter to escaping toxic relationships and, let’s be real, staring down every curveball life has ever pitched my way.

But here’s the thing—I’m still standing. And you can be, too.

Over the past few years, life demanded I either crumble or find a way to rise from my own ashes. Choosing the latter wasn’t easy—it meant confronting every fear, failure, and self-doubt lurking in the shadows. But it also meant discovering a fire within me that I’d buried under layers of pain, duty, and doubt.

That fire? I named it:


Together with Angela—my incredible co-founder, partner-in-crime, and COO—we built InnerPhoenix as more than just a business. It’s a movement, a sanctuary, a way of life for those ready to step into their power and rise.

It’s about breaking free from what holds you back, whether it’s limiting beliefs, toxic environments, or fear of failure, and building the life you’ve always imagined.

So, why am I sharing all of this? Because I’m here to tell you that resilience isn’t reserved for a special few. It’s a skill you can cultivate, a mindset you can adopt, and a journey we can walk together.

Trust me when I say, if I can get through a trainwreck of a life (complete with medical crises, legal battles, and more tears than I care to count), you can, too.

My journey to resilience is powered by daily habits, hard-earned lessons, and a refusal to give up. It’s also fueled by connection—by people like you, showing up, ready to make the changes that matter most. You’ll find no BS here. Just raw, real stories, a whole lot of love, and a commitment to helping you transform.

If you’re ready to rise, to reclaim your story and turn your pain into power, you’ve found your people. Let’s do this, together. Welcome to InnerPhoenix.

Drop me a comment below—what’s one thing you’re ready to rise above?

I can’t wait to hear your story and walk this journey with you.

Together Let's Soar

Much Love and Light


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